[명령어 종합]

<entry key="smtp.cmd.auth">"AUTH Authentication service\n&lt;mechanism&gt; [initial-response] \n\t mechanism = a string identifying a SASL authentication mechanism,\n\t an optional base64-encoded response"</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.data">DATA Following text is collected as the message.\nEnd data with &lt;CR&gt;&lt;LF&gt;.&lt;CR&gt;&lt;LF&gt;</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.ehlo">EHLO Introduce yourself.", "&lt;hostname&gt;</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.expand">EXPN The expn command.</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.helo">HELO Introduce yourself.</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.help">HELP The HELP command gives help info about the topic specified.\nFor a list of topics, type HELP by itself.</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.mail">MAIL Specifies the sender. FROM: &lt;sender&gt; [ &lt;parameters&gt; ]"</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.noop">NOOP The noop command</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.quit">QUIT Exit the SMTP session.</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.receipt">RCPT Specifies the recipient. Can be used any number of times.\nTO: &lt;recipient&gt; [ &lt;parameters&gt; ]</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.reset">RSET Resets the system.</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.starttls">STARTTLS The starttls command</entry>
<entry key="smtp.cmd.verify">VRFY The vrfy command.</entry>


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